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One Way of Sorting a dropdownlist in VB.net
The Procedure
Private Sub SortDropDown(ByVal ddl As DropDownList)
'---Get listItems from dropDownList
Dim ddlList As New ArrayList
For Each li As ListItem In ddl.Items
'---Sort arraylist
ddlList.Sort(New ListItemComparer)
'---Copy sorted list back into the dropDownList
For Each li As ListItem In ddlList
End Sub
The Icomparer: I am using this because a listitem has text and value, and we just want to order by the text, which could be a person's name or a product( the criteria could be also the value like price, personId, year...)
Public Class ListItemComparer : Implements IComparer
Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, _
ByVal y As Object) As Integer _
Implements IComparer.Compare
Dim a As ListItem = x
Dim b As ListItem = y
Dim c As New CaseInsensitiveComparer
Return c.Compare(a.Text, b.Text)
End Function
End Class